Palm and Card Reading

During your initial consultation with Annie she will read your palms and your cards to give a comprehensive review of your entire life. Subsequent readings are usually a card reading only to provide an update of current events and activities.

Card Reading

Reading of Playing Cards (Cartomancy)

A normal pack of playing cards consists of 52 playing cards; 40 numbered cards and 12 court cards. These are divided into four suits – diamonds, spades, hearts and clubs. Each suit has 13 cards ranging from ace to king where each card symbolises numerically, the universe on a vast time scale. It is this length of time that enable the cards to reveal past, present and future events.

The Seasons and the Elements of Nature

Traditionally the 52 cards symbolise the 52 weeks in the year. The 4 suits symbolise the four seasons and the four elements of nature; air, fire, water and earth.

Annie bases her predictions on the cards that you turn up in your spread.  Each card has a unique meaning which help her with her predictions. The cards indicate both events and timing which help direct and guide decisions in your life.

Palm Reading

Your Future Is In the Palm of Your Hands

Palmistry has fascinated mankind for thousands of years. The hands were studied by the ancient Chinese, the Hindus and the Greeks in times dating back to 3000BC. Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote “The lines are not written into human hands without reason; they come from heavenly influences and man’s own individuality.” His contemporaries, Alexander the Great and Hippocrates were also serious students of the art of Palmistry.

More recently, respected Swiss psychologist Carl Jung was so impressed with palmistry that he spent many years studying the subject. Carl Jung believed that the form of human hands was closely allied to the psyche and that you could tell a lot about the human character from them. Palmistry was a way to get another perspective on life and get more deeply in touch with our intuition and inner wisdom.

At the very least it can keep life in perspective, as an adventure to be experienced rather than an endless series of problems and frustrations.

The Meaning of Your Palms

No two palms are alike, not even your own two hands. Your left hand is said to represent what you are born with and your right hand, what you have made of your life. Whenever there is a marked difference, the owner of the hands has changed or will adapt a great deal during the course of their lifetime.

The lines on your hand are not set in concrete either; they change with time especially if you make an about turn in your life. Palmistry doesn’t confine itself to the lines on the palm. It also takes into account the shape, texture and flexibility of the hands and fingers.

May Your Future See No Evil

“I believe Palmistry is nature’s way of telling people where they are heading and what challenges they may encounter.  Shattering events in a person’s life are indicated by the lines on their hands. Often there are solutions ahead and people are encouraged by seeing that their lines become smooth in the future. This indicates calmer and better times ahead.”

“A lot of people in the world have nothing to hope for; nothing to strive for. I believe that looking at one’s self gives a better idea of what you have and helps you get in touch with your own inner feelings.”

Palm and Card Reading with Annie »